Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Extra Blog Post: September

For September's extra blog post I decided to share this video with you because I really think the video shows that every kid has a different personality and different attitude for school. This relates to the children in the classroom where I am doing my mentorship because all the kids there are very nice, but they do have different personalities and attitudes. Some kids also have different methods of learning. I just really liked this video and I hope you enjoy it also.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog #6 - Second Interview Preparation

Who is your mentor and where do they work?

  • My mentor is Mrs.Michelle Handley and she works at Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary School in Pomona, CA.
What five questions will you ask them about their background?
  1. When did you realize or decide you wanted to become a kindergarten teacher? Were there other choices you had in mind?
  2. Have you always taught kindergarten or have you taught other grade levels as well? If so, what other grade levels?
  3. Is Kellogg the only school in which you have taught or were you at other schools prior to teaching here?
  4. How long have you been teaching for?
  5. How many years did you have to go to school before becoming a kindergarten teacher? 

Blog #5 - Mentorship and Research Reflection

Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship.

  • When I was younger I went to Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary School and my first grade teacher was Mrs. Patricia Pena. Mrs. Pena has a sister that also teaches there, Mrs. Pena-Handley, but she teaches kindergarten. Since I thought about doing teaching kindergarten as my topic for senior project, I thought it would be a good idea to go back to Kellogg and ask Mrs. Handley to be my mentor, and that is how I found my mentorship.  
What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?
  • The most important article I have read so far probably has to be Article 3 listed in my WB because it basically list a lot of information a kindergarten teacher who is just beginning to teach or someone who wants to become a kindergarten teacher should know before entering the classroom and working with the children.

My Experience Working With The Children

For my summer mentorship I helped a kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Michelle Handley at Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary School. On my first day there I just met the children and got to know them. I also just helped Mrs. Handley staple the homework for the day and walked around the classroom while the children did math.

On the second day I got to interact with the children more, which I thought was pretty cool. All the kids were very nice and friendly and they were well behaved which was very nie because they made leading activities easy for the teacher, themselves and me. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog #4: Interview Preparation


  1.  I plan to interview my mentor, Michelle Handley, which is a kindergarten teacher at Kellogg Polytechnic Elementary. I plan on interviewing my Mrs. Handley because she is a good kindergarten teacher and I feel she could give me a lot of information on what it is like to be a kindergarten teacher and how it is to work with children of that age. 
  2. Additional Questions: 
  • How is it like to work with children of the young ages 4-5?
  • What are some basic skills you need to be able to deal with the children's behavior?
  • How many students do you think should be in a kindergarten class?